Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Maybe we need a bigger COOP ~ MAY 2012?

Knowing that our desire was growing for more types of poultry, we thought that we may need to get a bigger coop.  With that being said, we talked to Dan over at Agway, and he was able to upgrade us to a bigger coop.

 My mom used Raglan's dog crate to hold the chickens while they made the swap...

Big Bird and all her friends seemed to enjoy their afternoon out on the lawn.  At this point we did not have the chicken run built, so this was really their first time scratching at the back lawn.  It was a great idea except for when my mom thought she would introduce Raglan to the chicks.  Since they were safe inside the crate, my mom brought Raglan down to see them...Within seconds the chickens were squawking and flapping around, the dog was barking... and ... then ... "POOF" the baby bantams flapped their way right outside the crate!  My mom FREAKED OUT!  Luckily my sister was home and she came down and helped collected the runaway chicks!

So my mom cleaned out the smaller coop...

...then, Dan and his men from Agway delivered the larger coop. It really doesn't look any different, but it is longer, wider, and taller.  My mom was really getting tired of hitting her head on the pitched ceiling in the smaller coop.

Here is the view from the front...

...and from the side...my dad even let him drive over the lawn!

This is the backside view.

In with the BIG...

out with the SMALL!

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