Big Bird's History
The Easter Bunny brought 6 chicks, and when they grew up Big Bird was the biggest. Big Bird was not always nice. When ever we introduced new chicks she'd peck at them really hard. If you tried to feed her out of your hand she would open her mouth really wide and sometimes she would get more than expected, like your hand.
Once they could hop out of the cardboard box, we put them in a plastic tote.
This is Big Bird when they all could get out of the plastic box and roam free in the coop.
They all loved to climb on their food and water. YUCK! Just ask the production red climbing right now.
Here they are in my dog Raglan's crate, seeing the grass for the first time.
Sometimes on hot days chickens will pant like Big Bird was doing here in the picture above.
Big Bird loves company and she'll greet you at the door as long as she's not roosting or laying her eggs.
They grow up so fast. Here she was very little and now she's laying eggs, at least I still have pictures to look through to help me remember. And I'm so glad you get to see them too!
"Big Bird" is a Dixie Rainbow. Dixies seem to be a good egg layer and a very friendly bird. She should lay between 280-300 eggs a year.
Now I get to see them as well as hear them. Thank you Catherine!